Head Start Governance and Management Institute 2024

  • Start: October 29, 2024 7:30 am
  • End: October 30, 2024 4:30 pm

Head Start requirements continue to evolve.  Make sure that your Head Start or Early Head Start agency is following good governance and management practices by attending our updated Head Start Governance and Management Institute in San Antonio, Texas, on October 29-30, 2024.

Good governance and sound management remain key to successful Head Start and Early Head Start programs.  However, new challenges to sustaining governance oversight and effective day-to-day management have emerged in the post-pandemic environment.  These include changes to the Head Start Program Performance Standards and recent updates to the Uniform Guidance.  Make sure that your agency’s understanding of requirements and best practices is up-to-date when you attend the Head Start Governance and Management Institute 2024 in San Antonio this October.  This two-day training will feature an updated and expanded curriculum covering the fundamental governance and management requirements while also exploring recent developments and emerging topics. 

The Institute will start with an in-depth, two-part session explaining the Head Start governance and management requirements found in both the Head Start Act and the Program Performance Standards as well as recent changes to the Performance Standards and Uniform Guidance.  The opening session will also cover major policy requirements from the Office of Head Start.  You will then learn about common governance-management issues and an effective (but easy) way to maintain a better governance-management working relationship.  The Institute will also explain how agencies can address sensitive workplace topics (such as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and disagreements in healthy ways without toxicity.  During our closing session, discussing ethical challenges, you will learn how to spot and avoid common problem areas related to conflicts of interest, fraud, and misuse of agency resources.  In addition to the presentations, the training will feature interactive exercises throughout both days.

When you attend the Head Start Governance and Management Institute, you will not only learn about governance and management requirements but you will also learn about effective strategies that your agency can easily implement.  However, enrollment opportunities for the training are limited.  Make your plans now to join your fellow Head Start and Early Head Start professionals for this exclusive Head Start Governance and Management Institute in San Antonio, Texas, on October 29-30, 2024.




During the two-day Institute, you will learn about key requirements needed for effective Head Start governance and management, including recent changes to the Program Performance Standards.  However, the training will go beyond the basic rules and will also explain how your agency can improve the governance-management working relationship, address sensitive issues while preventing toxic workplace disagreements, and avoid conflicts of interest and other common ethical issues.  When you attend, you will learn about the following:

  • Recent changes to the Head Start Program Performance Standards;
  • Updates to the Office of Management and Budget’s Uniform Guidance;
  • Governance requirements under the Head Start Act;
  • Governance requirements in the Performance Standards;
  • Roles and responsibilities of the Governing Body and the Policy Council;
  • Management responsibilities and the difference between management and governance;
  • Recognizing potential challenges in the governance-management relationship;
  • Establishing and maintaining a good governance-management relationship;
  • Identifying sensitive workplace topics and avoiding harmful disagreements;
  • Addressing issues related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI);
  • Preventing conflicts of interest and other ethical issues; and,
  • Consequences of not meeting governance and management requirements.

The Head Start Governance and Management Institute will cover these vital topics and more to prepare you and your agency for continued success.  You will also be able to ask our expert presenters your individual questions throughout the training.


The Head Start Governance and Management Institute will take place on October 29-30, 2024, in San Antonio, Texas.  Out-of-town attendees should plan to arrive on October 28 because onsite check-in will start at 7:30 am on the morning of October 29 and the training will begin at 8:30 am.  The cancellation deadline for the conference is 5:00 pm EDT on Monday, September 30, 2024.  (Please note that the schedule is subject to change.)  The planned agenda for each day is as follows:

Day One (Tuesday, October 29, 2024)

Check-in for the Head Start Governance and Management Institute and enjoy a Continental breakfast before the first session.

The two-part opening session of the Head Start Governance and Management Institute will start with the basics of governance and management as well as recent changes to the Head Start Program Performance Standards and the Uniform Grants Guidance.  During this session, you will learn about the governance and management requirements for Head Start and Early Head Start agencies.  You will also learn about the Office of Head Start's recent Performance Standards updates and the Office of Management and Budget's revisions to the Uniform Grants Guidance.  Join attorney Brian Tipton for the first installment of this two-part session as he explains important requirements found in the Head Start Act, the Program Performance Standards, and general grants management requirements.  You will learn about the roles and responsibilities of the Governing Body and Policy Council as well as essential program standards. 

After attending this session, you will be able to identify Head Start's governance requirements and distinguish the role of management.  In addition, you will be able to outline the 2024 changes to the Performance Standards and the Uniform Guidance.

Enjoy a 15-minute coffee break between our morning sessions.

The two-part opening session of the Head Start Governance and Management Institute will start with the basics of governance and management as well as recent changes to the Head Start Program Performance Standards and the Uniform Grants Guidance.  During this session, you will learn about the governance and management requirements for Head Start and Early Head Start agencies.  You will also learn about the Office of Head Start's recent Performance Standards updates and the Office of Management and Budget's revisions to the Uniform Grants Guidance.  Join attorney Brian Tipton for the first installment of this two-part session as he explains important requirements found in the Head Start Act, the Program Performance Standards, and general grants management requirements.  You will learn about the roles and responsibilities of the Governing Body and Policy Council as well as essential program standards. 

After attending this session, you will be able to identify Head Start's governance requirements and distinguish the role of management.  In addition, you will be able to outline the 2024 changes to the Performance Standards and the Uniform Guidance.

Take the opportunity to have lunch at one of San Antonio's many renowned restaurants, or make other use of this 90-minute break between the morning and afternoon sessions.

One of the keys to a successful Head Start or Early Head Start Agency is a having a productive governance-management working relationship, but that is often easier said than achieved.  This two-part session will look at this important relationship.  During the session, you will learn an easy process for clarifying the roles of the Governing Body and management to help ensure a healthy relationship.

If you have ever watched a football game on television, you will be familiar with the yellow line that is visible to viewers but invisible to the players on the field.  Using the “invisible yellow line” metaphor, Kate Weaver Patterson will guide you through clarifying roles in governance, management, finance, planning, human resources, resource development, and recruitment.  Even if you are not a football fan, you will see how using this approach can stimulate open and honest communication about roles that will lead to a big win for both governing body and management teams, and your essential mission and purpose will be well-served.  Following this double session, you will be able to describe at least three ways to strengthen program governance and the governance-management relationship.

Enjoy a 15-minute break between our afternoon sessions.

One of the keys to a successful Head Start or Early Head Start Agency is a having a productive governance-management working relationship, but that is often easier said than achieved.  This two-part session will look at this important relationship.  During the session, you will learn an easy process for clarifying the roles of the Governing Body and management to help ensure a healthy relationship.

If you have ever watched a football game on television, you will be familiar with the yellow line that is visible to viewers but invisible to the players on the field.  Using the “invisible yellow line” metaphor, Kate Weaver Patterson will guide you through clarifying roles in governance, management, finance, planning, human resources, resource development, and recruitment.  Even if you are not a football fan, you will see how using this approach can stimulate open and honest communication about roles that will lead to a big win for both governing body and management teams, and your essential mission and purpose will be well-served.  Following this double session, you will be able to describe at least three ways to strengthen program governance and the governance-management relationship.

The first day of the Head Start Governance and Management Institute will conclude at 4:30 pm on October 29, 2024.

Day Two (Wednesday, October 30, 2024)

Check-in for the Head Start Governance and Management Institute and enjoy a Continental breakfast before the morning sessions.  Note that check-in is not necessary if you already checked into the Institute on the first day.

Disagreements in the workplace may be unavoidable, but they do not need to be harmful or turn toxic.  Join attorney and experienced mediator Kate Weaver Patterson for a discussion of how Head Start and Early Head Start agencies can manage disagreements and prevent toxic conflicts when dealing with sensitive issues.  You will learn about touchpoints that might lead to necessary conflict or discussion, including Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI); hierarchy; and implementation of new or revised policies.  You will also learn how to distinguish healthy disagreement from toxic conflict and learn how to frame disagreements to remain productive.  This double session will also feature helpful group exercises that participants can use in their own agencies.  After attending this two-part workshop, you will be able to outline effective strategies for preventing toxic workplace disagreements.

Enjoy a 15-minute coffee break between our morning sessions.

Disagreements in the workplace may be unavoidable, but they do not need to be harmful or turn toxic.  Join attorney and experienced mediator Kate Weaver Patterson for a discussion of how Head Start and Early Head Start agencies can manage disagreements and prevent toxic conflicts when dealing with sensitive issues.  You will learn about touchpoints that might lead to necessary conflict or discussion, including Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI); hierarchy; and implementation of new or revised policies.  You will also learn how to distinguish healthy disagreement from toxic conflict and learn how to frame disagreements to remain productive.  This double session will also feature helpful group exercises that participants can use in their own agencies.  After attending this two-part workshop, you will be able to outline effective strategies for preventing toxic workplace disagreements.

Explore San Antonio's vibrant lunch scene on your own during this 90-minute break between the Institute's morning and afternoon sessions.

This two-part session, presented by attorney Brian Tipton, will examine ethical issues and related challenges to good governance and management in Head Start and Early Head Start agencies.  You will learn about common compliance issues, including conflicts of interest, procurement fraud, and misuse of resources.  You will also learn about the potential consequences of ethical lapses, which range from enforcement actions to criminal prosecutions.  This workshop will make extensive use of real-world examples and attendee exercises.  Following this double session, you will be able to identify potential ethical problem areas and outline techniques for avoiding ethical breaches.

Enjoy a 15-minute break between our afternoon sessions.

This two-part session, presented by attorney Brian Tipton, will examine ethical issues and related challenges to good governance and management in Head Start and Early Head Start agencies.  You will learn about common compliance issues, including conflicts of interest, procurement fraud, and misuse of resources.  You will also learn about the potential consequences of ethical lapses, which range from enforcement actions to criminal prosecutions.  This workshop will make extensive use of real-world examples and attendee exercises.  Following this double session, you will be able to identify potential ethical problem areas and outline techniques for avoiding ethical breaches.

The Head Start Governance and Management Institute will conclude at 4:30 pm on October 30, 2024.


By attending the Head Start Governance and Management Institute, you will learn about the governance requirements and management standards for Head Start and Early Head Start programs.  You will also learn about practical strategies for fostering better governance-management working relationships and for avoiding common ethical problems.  After attending this training, you will be able to do the following::

  • Identify recent changes to the Head Start Program Performance Standards;
  • Outline revisions to the OMB’s Uniform Grants Guidance;
  • List the roles and responsibilities of the Governing Body;
  • List the roles and responsibilities of the Policy Council;
  • Distinguish governance from management;
  • Outline the key management requirements for a Head Start or Early Head Start agency;
  • Identify at least three challenges in the governance-management relationship;
  • Describe at least three strategies for improving governance-management relations;
  • Identify potentially contentious issues and avoid harmful disagreements;
  • Identify common ethical issues for Head Start Agencies and professionals;
  • Describe potential conflicts of interest and how to address them; and,
  • Outline potential consequences of unresolved ethical issues.


The Head Start Governance and Management Institute 2024 is intended for all members of the Head Start and Early Head Start community with governance or management responsibilities.  This training conference will benefit Governing Body members, Policy Council members, Chief Executive Officers, Executive Directors, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Operating Officers, Head Start and Early Head Start Directors, Education Managers, Center Directors, and other management team members.


Attendees of the Head Start Governance and Management Institute may be able to earn Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit.  The complete course is recommended for a total of 14 hours of CPE in the field of specialized knowledge (nonprofits and government).   However, State Boards of Accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit.  The experience level for this training is overview.  There are no prerequisites for attendance, and no advance preparation is required.


Kate Weaver Patterson is an experienced litigator, non-profit executive, and mediator.  She is licensed to practice law in South Carolina and New York.  Currently, Kate splits her time between Greenville, South Carolina, and Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she currently lives with her husband and their three children.  She works with consulting clients across the United Stated

Before launching KWP Consulting, Kate started the Second Chance Justice Collaborative in 2019, a program of national non-profit Root & Rebound, whose mission is to help people navigate reentry after imprisonment and mitigate the harms caused by mass incarceration.  Her work with R&R was particularly informed by the racial disparities within the criminal legal system and the need to bring disparate groups together to make meaningful change.

Before moving into nonprofit work, Kate worked as a litigation associate at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton in New York and then clerked for four federal judges around the country.  Following her clerkships, she spent five years as a domestic violence, child abuse and sex crimes prosecutor in Greenville, South Carolina, handling hundreds of cases and multiple trials.  As a prosecutor, Kate learned the importance of thorough investigation and thoughtful deliberation to bring fairness to all involved.

Kate grew up in Greenville, South Carolina.  She received her Bachelor of Arts in History and French from Duke University and earned her Master’s Degree in International Affairs, with distinction, from the University of Hong Kong.  She returned to Duke University School of Law, receiving her Juris Doctor, magna cum laude.

R. Brian Tipton is a practicing attorney with more than two decades' worth of experience working with nonprofits, governmental units, and other grant-funded organizations across the United States.  Currently, Brian is the Managing Director of Tipton KPCL Law, in metro Atlanta, Georgia, where he heads the firm's tax-exempt and grant-funded solutions practice.  He is a summa cum laude graduate of the Louisiana State University and the Cumberland School of Law of Samford University.  Brian regularly represents grant-funded entities of all types in the areas of regulatory compliance, audits, funding source disputes, administrative appeals, and litigation.  Brian also consults with organizations on governance, human resources, programmatic, and corporate matters, and develops and presents training programs for nonprofits and grant-funded organizations.


The Institute will will be held at the historic Menger Hotel, located on Alamo Plaza.  The Menger Hotel is conveniently located within easy walking distance of major points of interest, including the River Walk, as well as the many shopping and dining options in downtown San Antonio, Texas.  Hotel rooms are available for special conference rates starting at just $143 per night (plus applicable tax).  These special room rates are available for October 28 through 30, 2024, and may be offered for additional nights before and after the Institute subject to hotel availability.  Hotel reservations can be made by calling the hotel directly at 1-800-345-9285.  Please ask the reservations agent for the “Federal Grants Training rate to receive the conference discount.  In addition, you can reserve your room online by clicking on this hotel reservations link.  The room reservation cut-off date is October 10, 2024 (or until the block is exhausted).  Because of the small number of rooms available, we advise making your reservations as soon as possible.

Registration Details


$449 / Early Bird
(By August 31, 2024)


$499 / Regular
(After August 31, 2024)



Just click the “REGISTER” button to register for the Head Start Governance and Management Institute 2024.  Note that the cancellation deadline for the conference is 5:00 pm EDT on September 30, 2024.  Please review our cancellation policy